Ford Tough - 100 Years of Ford Trucks (Dostawczaki Ford - 100 lat) - Patrick Foster, język angielski, Motorbooks 2020, 208 str, 200 kolorowych i 100 czarno-białych zdjęć, format 23,5x27,6 cm, waga 1,05 kg, twarda oprawa
- obszerna monografia poświęcona 100-letniej historii i ewolucji samochodów typu pick-up i dostawczych produkowanych przez koncern Ford w USA - w tym także samochody wojskowe z czasów II wojny światowej, prezentuje modele z lat 1917-2017, począwszy od Forda model T, A, 81C, Bronco, Courier, Ranchero, Econoline przez pick-upy serii F (F-150, F-250, F-350 itd.) - nota bene pick-up serii F-150 jest najlepiej sprzedającym się modelem w USA od wielu lat, a ponadto najlepiej sprzedającym się corocznie samochodem w Stanach Zjednoczonych i na świecie do dzisiaj
- streszczenie wydawcy:
Get Fords complete story in Ford Tough: 100 Years of Ford Trucks and see why they’ve dominated the truck market, selling 1.5 million trucks every year in the US alone.
In July 1917 Ford Motor Company introduced a one-ton chassis for commercial trucks, marking what many historians feel was its official entry into the dedicated truck business. Sure, after-market pickup beds could be added to a Model T car to convert it to a pickup, but with the debut of the rugged Model TT truck chassis, Ford was firmly in the truck market.
Eight years later, Ford introduced its first factory-produced pickup, a sturdy half-ton job the public loved. During the century that has passed since that first Ford truck chassis, the F-series has become the best-selling truck in the world, and the best-selling vehicle of any type in America.
Ford Tough: 100 Years of Ford Trucks tells the entire Ford truck story from the very beginning, when Ford got its start in truck production. This book provides the history of the wide array of models Ford has built over the past century, including the Model A roadster pick-up, stylish 81C pickups, legendary 1948 F-1, Bronco, Courier, Ranchero, and Econoline
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